The church bells are ringing.
Again and again.
So ominously.
What happens to little Lily?

There's no place to call home,
Anyone who does not care;
Only the one who killed him.

The church bells rang.
Again and again.
So ominously.
What happened to little Lily?

Where's Lily?
Where is his voice now belongs to?
Where is his body now lies?
Where her long blonde hair lying?

Who killed little Lily?
A girl whose song still echoed in the wind.
A girl who captured the human heart,
People who are now standing next to his body.

They whispered:
"She is there now where he is good to have."
But who knows?
Who really cares?

The church bells rang.
Again and again.
So ominously.
What happens to little Lily?

~♥~By love, La Oops ~♥~